Wednesday, May 7, 2008

the difference between "you're" and "your"

i have noticed that lately i am nothing but impatient.
for instance, anytime i am having a discussion with someone and they don't understand what i'm saying or i feel insulted slightly by something they have said in reaction to not understanding, i get really hurt and defensive, and annoyed. i get so frustrated when that person doesn't seem to be on my level of thinking.
also, grammatical and spelling errors have been particularly frustrating me lately. why can a common, educated person not understand the difference between "you're" and "your"? i learned that in second grade!

i'm testy too. jumpy, defensive even.

something is going on inside of my head and i'm not sure what it is right now.
i wish it would stop. i wish it would leave me alone and let me just be.

my migraines are getting worse and more frequent. excedrin isn't doing the trick, either.

i leave for cali on sunday at 4 a.m. from topeka to the airport, and the airport at 8:40.
i'm so excited to get out of here, even if it's only for 9 days. i'm just scared i won't want to come back [who would?] or that i'll get back and think it was all a dream.

things with phil seem to be getting more complicated. the more time that passes, the more i think that i can just keep seeing him whenever and not be attached, and just let it be whatever it is that it is. but then he went to new york city a couple weekends ago, and of course i just figured it was like any other one of his jet sets. but one day on my facebook newsfeed i noticed that he had been tagged in some pictures and they turned out to be from his trip [added by one of his friends he visited, some girl named kelli]. when i got to one of him and a buddy and a girl which he had his arm around, and there was caption saying something about a bit of love. my heart completely sank, and shattered into a million little pieces. immediately i tried coming up with ideas of why they would be pictured like that. she wasn't even cute. not that i am, but obviously he thinks so. finally i came to the conclusion that she's obviously there and he's obviously here and i very highly doubt that anything even happened and to bring it up in a discussion would make me appear to be crazy. plus, no matter what-i'm the one he's involved with. so at least i have that.

i want out of here. i'm so frustrated i can't even logically put my thoughts into words.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Doctors have found that often times the most powerful treatment is the patient thinking/trying to get better. Just positive thoughts and emotions can make the difference between sickness and health. So, for your mood swings lately, just try to stay positive. I know it can be hard, but I also know you have it in you.

As far as California goes, I'm really happy that you get to go. It should be a nice break for you, and allow you to get away from it all.

And about that dude - if being involved with him makes you happy, do it. If it is making you feel bad, don't do it. Simple as that.